Why an Architect

Why and Architect and not a home designer?

contemporary, asheville, Scott W Bartholomew Architect

When working with an Architect you get a world of experience not available otherwise. Each has a university degree equal to post graduate, along with a minimum of three years of internship under a a licensed Architect, followed by a comprehensive testing regiment. Even after licensure there are continuing education requirements necessary to maintain a qualified license. All this structured and on the job education and training provides for a ‘big picture’ view. Though sometimes it may seem that there should be an “all we need is” approach, more often than not the problem is bigger than one might expect. We have the experience and knowledge to provide a complete solution for a given design problem.

A ‘Designer’ has no required formal training and no government over site. Anyone can be a designer. You just declare yourself so, which is what a lot do. Not to say all ‘Designers’ are bad, or all Architects are good, but there is a definable difference in backgrounds and experience.

As a practicing Architect, Scott maintains his national status through NCARB (national registration board) and holds state licenses in North Carolina and South Carolina.

  • NC State Licensed

  • SC State Licensed

“Scott was easy to work with and knowledgable. His roll was both engineer and architect and he did excellent work in both capacities. Highly recommended.”